Thursday, 16 September 2010

Headless Scottie dog on the prowl

They thought I was mad

A few weeks back, on my way home from work, this lorry drove past my bus stop with a giant headless dog on the back. I quickly took a photo with my mobile (sorry about the motion blur). I've been telling people about this dog ever since.  People looked at me as if I was mad. 'Sure you did'. 

But finally I am vindicated and my curiosity is sated. Londonist reports that one of their readers sent in a near-identical photograph (@bloomsburyblue must have been at the same bus stop!) It turns out the puppy is part of a publicity stunt to promote the board game Monopoly. Yes it's Scottie Dog. I always had to be Scottie Dog when I played Monopoly. 

When I'm rich, I'm going to buy a giant Scottie dog. And Mayfair. 

That is also another thing to do in London, albeit neither free nor easy. In fact it is dangerous and expensive, to your wallet, your health and your dignity: the Monopoly pub crawl. Do it at your peril. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.

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